Pretty much sums up my year. I refuse to say it's been an annus horribilus... there have been some really excellent bits but sadly, there have been some not so good bits. Much of it my own doing but not entirely... at least I don't think so. There has been over-reaction, a few moments of too much to drink and a bout of depression. I am proud to say that even with all of that I am still not smoking. Hurray for me!!
But there was cycling, walking, camping, beach-combing, the two deer we saw in our garden this morning, birdsong, a cosy home, lovely children, a fantastic husband, good friends (even if I sometimes think that everyone hates me), lots of knitting and crochet, some good reads, a cow attack, laughter, tears, views, paddling, a new hairdresser that I really like and so many things that have slipped my mind at this moment.
Aims for 2012
- attempt to use up stash
- learn to sew properly
- lose the weight I've gained since giving up smoking
- more cycling
- more walking
- walk the dog every morning!
- have an adventure
I wish you all a very Happy New Year!