Tuesday 7 June 2011

Hills and Fells and Herdy Sheep

Couple of walks to tell you about.

We had a trip up Pendle the day after Windy Whernside with my parents. Quite blustery up there but nothing like the hurricane of the previous day
Here we are at the summit.  Not quite the elaborate troll hairdos of windy Whernside!

It's just been half term and we had the rare treat of a full 24 hours child-free time. Well 2 nights and a whole glorious day to suit ourselves.  So it was back to Crinkle Crags to revisit in somewhat nicer conditions than last time (see this post) The clouds came down, visibility was terrible and I sat down on a rock in tears demanding to go home immediately! Also ended up with very dodgy knees for some time afterwards.  It was definitely time to return and conquer this beast.

As you can see, not a cloud in sight! Hooray! Had my decent boots on and managed to get up and down with no knee issues at all.  What a good do.  Could see around and it was altogether much nicer than last time.
Here's a gratuitous sheep shot. It's a Herdwick sheep with her lamb in their natural habitat on the fells. Love em. Pity the wool is like wire! Stickle pike in the background.

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