Saturday, 3 March 2012

March - beginning of spring

Well meteorologically speaking 1st March is the beginning of spring.  Most people go with the equinox around the 21st.  I am being a bit more optimistic about it though.  I say it is spring.  So there!

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:  when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.  ~ from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
It's been a bit of a mixed bag of weather this week and today is no exception.  It's been rainy, sunny and any number of mixtures in between. Last year I bought lots of bulbs and planted them all over the place.  I then forgot all about them so it's been a real treat seeing green shoots popping up all over the place and I almost burst with pleasure when I clapped my eyes on these lovelies....
Sunshine and raindrops on the tulips
Just two of them in a pot but so radiantly red and gorgeous.  I'm so proud for growing them.  I know it makes me sound like a simpleton but I am always thrilled to bits when anything I plant actually amounts to anything.   I never expect anything to happen so it is just so satisfying when it does.
I am also pleased to see that some of the jolly primroses are still going strong after the winter so here's a picture of the especially pretty pink ones.
Hardy pink primroses add a splash of colour. 

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